2015 National Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring Annual Report (Full Text)






  II. Reporting of adverse drug reactions/incidents

  (I) Overall report

  1. Annual and monthly reports of adverse drug reactions/incidents in 2015

  In 2015, the national adverse drug reaction monitoring network received 1.398 million copies of the "Adverse Drug Reaction/Event Report Form", an increase of 5.3% over 2014. From 1999 to 2015, the national adverse drug reaction monitoring network received nearly 9.30 million copies of the "Adverse Drug Reaction/Event Report Form".

  2. Reporting of new and serious adverse drug reactions/incidents

  In 2015, the national adverse drug reaction monitoring network received 393,734 new and serious adverse drug reaction/incident reports, an increase of 15.3% compared with 2014; the number of new and serious reports accounted for 28.2% of the total number of reports in the same period, an increase of 2.5% compared with 2014. The proportion of new and serious adverse drug reaction/event reports continued to increase, indicating that the overall quality and availability of adverse drug reaction reports in our country continued to improve.

  3. Average case reporting per million population

  The average number of cases reported per million population is one of the important indicators to measure the level of adverse drug reaction monitoring in a country. In 2015, the average number of cases reported per million population in our country was 1044, an increase of 5.4% compared with 2014.

  4. County-level reporting of adverse drug reactions/incidents

  The proportion of county-level reports of adverse drug reactions/events is one of the important indicators to measure the balanced development and coverage of adverse drug reaction monitoring in our country. In 2015, the proportion of county-level reports of adverse drug reactions/events nationwide was 96.6%, an increase of 2.2% compared with 2014.

  5. Sources of adverse drug reactions/incident reports

  According to the source of the report, 82.2% of the reports were from medical institutions, 16% from pharmaceutical distributors, 1.4% from pharmaceutical manufacturers, and 0.4% from individuals and other sources. In 2015, medical institutions were still the main source of reports; the number of reports from manufacturing enterprises was still low, but among the top 30 production enterprises with the number of reports, the number of domestic enterprises increased significantly.

  6. Reporter occupation

  According to the occupational statistics of reporters, doctors accounted for 53.0%, pharmacists accounted for 27.6%, nurses accounted for 14.6%, and other reports accounted for 4.8%. The occupational composition of reporters in 2014 was basically the same.

  7. Reports of adverse drug reactions/incidents involving patients

  According to the statistics of the age of the patients involved in the report, the reports of children under the age of 14 accounted for 9.9%, a slight decrease compared with 2014. The reports of the elderly over the age of 65 accounted for 21.5%, an increase of 1.6% compared with 2014. According to the statistics of the gender of the patients involved in the report, the ratio of male and female patients was close to 0.92:1, and there were slightly more females than males. The gender distribution trend was basically the same as in 2014.

  8. Adverse drug reaction/incident reports involve the drug

  According to the category of suspected drugs, chemical drugs accounted for 81.2%, traditional Chinese medicine accounted for 17.3%, and biological products (excluding vaccines) accounted for 1.5%. The number of reports of anti-infective drugs still ranked first, accounting for 44.9% of chemical drugs, a decrease of 1.3% from 2014, and the proportion of reports has been declining for 6 consecutive years. Cardiovascular system drugs accounted for 10.3% of the total number of chemical drugs reported, an increase of 0.1% from 2014, and an upward trend for 6 consecutive years. Electrolytes, acid-base balance and nutritional drugs all showed an upward trend for 6 consecutive years, and the proportion increased slightly compared with 2014.

  According to the statistics of drug dosage forms, among the distribution of drug dosage forms involved in adverse drug reaction/incident reports in 2015, injections accounted for 61.3%, oral formulations accounted for 34.7%, and other formulations accounted for 4.0%. The proportion of injections increased by 3.5% compared with 2014, and the proportion of oral formulations decreased by 1.5%.








  What is Adverse Drug Reaction Reporting and Monitoring? Why should the state establish a reporting system for adverse drug reactions?

  Adverse drug reaction reporting and monitoring refers to the process of discovery, reporting, evaluation and control of adverse drug reactions. The main purpose of establishing an adverse drug reaction reporting system is to understand the occurrence of adverse drug reactions and detect new and serious adverse drug reactions in a timely manner. Due to the particularity of drugs, pre-market research is very limited, and its inherent risks need to be discovered through a wide range of clinical applications. Therefore, by strengthening the reporting and monitoring of adverse drug reactions, the potential inherent risks of drugs can be discovered in a timely manner, the risk-benefit ratio can be evaluated, and the safety information of drugs can be continuously improved to protect the public’s drug safety.

  (Ii) Monitoring of essential drugs

  1. Overall situation of national essential drug monitoring

  In 2015, the overall situation of national essential drug monitoring remained basically stable. In 2015, the national adverse drug reaction monitoring network received a total of 575,000 reports of adverse reactions/events of national essential drugs (accounting for 41.1% of the overall reports in 2015), an increase of 1.9% over 2014. Among them, 37,000 cases were seriously reported, accounting for 6.4%, an increase of 0.8% over 2014. 83.1% of cases reported involving chemical drugs and biological products, and 16.9% of cases reported involving proprietary Chinese medicines.

  2. Analysis of the situation of national essential medicines, chemicals and biological products

  The "National Essential Drugs List (Primary Medical Institutions Equipped and Used Part) " (2012 Edition) includes chemical drugs (including biological products), divided into 25 categories and 317 varieties. In 2015, the National Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring Network received 482,740 reports of adverse reactions/events of 359 specific varieties, of which 35,358 were serious reports, accounting for 7.3%.













  In the 2015 report of adverse drug reactions/events of anti-infective drugs, the top three systems involved in adverse drug reactions/events were skin and its appendages (39.5%), gastrointestinal system damage (25.5%), and systemic damage (7.4%). The top three systems involved in oral anti-infective drugs were gastrointestinal system damage (44.6%), skin and its appendages damage (26.6%), and central and peripheral nervous system damage (6.9%); the top three systems involved in injection preparations were skin and its appendages damage (43.0%), gastrointestinal system damage (20.7%), and systemic damage (8.5%).

  3. The report involves the situation of drugs

  The 2015 anti-infective drug adverse reaction/incident reports involved 9 categories and 321 varieties, of which antibiotics accounted for 65.8%. The top five were cephalosporins (31.9%), macrolides (10.1%), penicillins (9.6%), beta-lactamase inhibitors (5.8%) and lincomycin (3.7%); synthetic antimicrobials accounted for 24.7%, mainly quinolones (18.4%) and nitroimidazoles (5.5%). There was no significant difference in the composition ratio of drugs and the composition of anti-infective drug reports in 2014.

  In 2015, antibiotics accounted for 65.4% and synthetic antimicrobials 14.5% of serious adverse reactions/incident reports of anti-infective drugs, with no significant difference from the composition of anti-infective drug reports in 2014. The top five serious reports were cephalosporins (32.4%), quinolones (11.5%), penicillins (11.3%), anti-tuberculosis drugs (10.4%), and beta-lactamase inhibitors (7.6%). Compared with 2014, the ranking of quinolones rose to No. 2, and the ranking of penicillins fell to No. 3.

  From the analysis of drug dosage forms, in 2015, injections accounted for 76.6%, oral formulations accounted for 16.8%, and other dosage forms accounted for 0.5%. Compared with the overall drug report, the proportion of injections (76.6%) was higher, which was basically the same as the distribution of dosage forms in 2014.

  4. Analysis of anti-infective drug safety trends

  In 2015, the total number of adverse reactions/events reported by anti-infective drugs increased compared with 2014, and the number of serious reports increased by 16.6%, which was higher than the increase in overall case reports in 2015. Compared with 2014, the proportion of adverse reactions/events reported by anti-infective drugs in 2015 decreased by 1.5%, the proportion of serious reports increased by 0.2%, and the proportion of serious reports increased by 0.7%.


  What are the side effects of antibiotics?

  Antibiotics are effective drugs for controlling various infections today, and they are one of the most commonly used drug categories. Nearly 100 kinds have been used. Their most common adverse reactions are as follows:

  (1) Allergic reaction. Penicillin, streptomycin, pioneer mycin, etc. can cause allergic reactions in people, which can be life-threatening in severe cases. Allergic reactions caused by antibiotics are common for drug rashes, dermatitis and drug fever.

  (2) Toxic reactions. Common toxic reactions caused by antibiotics include auditory nerve damage, hematopoietic system disorders, kidney damage, liver damage, and gastrointestinal reactions. The nature and extent of toxic reactions vary depending on the type of drug and individual patients.

  (3) Drug resistance. Most bacteria can develop resistance to antibiotics. With the wide application of antibiotics and the overuse of antibiotics caused by irrational use of antibiotics, the number of drug-resistant strains is increasing, which affects the treatment of diseases, and even has serious consequences due to the lack of sensitive antibiotics to control infections.

  (4) Local stimulation. Intramuscular injection of antibiotics can mostly cause local pain, and intravenous injection may also cause thrombophlebitis. It can be seen that antibiotics must be used rationally, and must not be used indiscriminately as a "panacea".

  (IV) Monitoring of traditional Chinese medicine injections

  1. Overall status of adverse reactions/incident reports of traditional Chinese medicine injections

  In 2015, the safety status of traditional Chinese medicine injections was basically consistent with the overall situation in the country. In 2015, the national adverse drug reaction monitoring network received a total of 127,000 reports of traditional Chinese medicine injections, of which 9,798 were serious reports (7.7%). In 2015, the proportion of injections in adverse reaction/event reports of traditional Chinese medicine was 51.3%, a decrease of 2.1% compared with 2014.




  对2015 年中药注射剂总体报告排名前20 位药品(占全年中药注射剂报告87.6%)合并用药情况进行分析,其总体报告涉及合并用药占43.4%,严重报告涉及合并用药占56.5%,以上数据提示单独或联合其他药品使用中药注射剂均可出现不良事件,合并用药可能加大中药注射剂的安全风险。

















  (四) 关注合理用药问题











  8. Drugs should be stored scientifically and properly; beware of misuse and misuse by children and mentally ill persons;

  9. Vaccination is the most effective and economical measure to prevent some infectious diseases, and the state provides free first-class vaccines.

  10. Health foods cannot replace medicines.

  IV. Relevant risk control measures

  According to the adverse drug reaction monitoring data and evaluation results in 2015, the State Food and Drug Administration has taken corresponding risk control measures in a timely manner for drugs found to have potential safety hazards to ensure the safety of public medication.

  (1) Issued the 4th issue of the "Adverse Drug Reaction Information Circular", reporting serious adverse reactions such as metoclopramide, atypical antipsychotics, Chinese and Western medicine compound preparations, and ceftiramide for injection, timely reminding of drug safety risks.

  (2) Published 12 issues of "Pharmacovigilance Alert", reporting 62 pieces of foreign drug safety information such as suicide risk of pregabalin and severe skin reactions of ziprasidone.

  (3) According to the monitoring and evaluation results, the organization revised the instructions of 40 (categories) of drugs such as Xuesaitong, Naoluotong Capsule, and Trikrutin Injection.

  V. Relevant Instructions

  (1) The data in this annual report is derived from the data reported by each region from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015 in the National Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring Database.

  (2) Like most countries, the data collected by the adverse drug reaction monitoring database in our country has limitations, such as underreporting, irregular filling, lack of detailed information, and inability to calculate the incidence of adverse reactions.

  (III) At the time of the completion of this annual report, some of the serious reports and death reports were still under investigation and evaluation. All statistical results were a true reflection of the data collection situation, and some issues did not represent the final evaluation results.

  (Iv) The number of adverse drug reactions/events reported is influenced by many factors such as the amount of the drug used and the incidence of adverse drug reactions. Therefore, the ranking of the number of adverse drug reactions/events reported is only a direct reflection of the number of reported data, and does not represent the incidence of adverse reactions.

  (V) This annual report does not include surveillance data on vaccine adverse reactions/events.